![]() Have you ever thought about the fact that for thousands and thousands of years people grew and ate their own food, so they were completely self-sufficient? Have you ever thought about how if those people could see us today, how that many Americans are completely 100% dependent on someone else providing food for them, those same people would probably think that’s bizarre and foolish? I have. Not that it matters what others think, but it probably is a bit foolish. I believe we’ve become so engrained in our minds that buying 100% all of our food from another source is natural and a part of life, but it’s not. It really shouldn’t be that way. Why? Well, ask all the people who have gone through a natural disaster who couldn’t get to a store, or the stores were closed, and couldn’t buy food.
Yes, most of them probably lived and made it through, but it may have been a little rough for a while. Even if those scenarios hadn’t happened, it’s just not a wise thing to be completely dependent on someone else for provisions. I mean after all, weren’t we meant to be independent from the government, or big box stores? I believe we’re supposed to be overflowing in goods and provisions, so that it flows over into other’s lives. Independence gives someone confidence. If the power goes out for a week, then they have provisions. Not only do they have provisions for themselves, but their neighbors too. You’ve probably been there yourself. The electricity goes out during a storm, you have no hot water, no stove or oven to cook food, your pantry is a bit low, the furnace doesn’t come on to heat your home, what do you do? What are you going to do if your electricity goes out for a week or two? Will you even have water? Will you have food? Will you have a way to heat your home? Will you have extra blankets during the winter or flashlights and batteries ready for the dark nights? Like the boy scouts say, “Be prepared”. Just be prepared for any event. It’s wise, it’s fulfilling, and empowering. Here’s a list of ideas you could implement in order to be more self-sufficient:
This list is just a start, but being prepared for anything is smart! All the best! ~ Julie
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