"Nigerian Dwarf what?" I asked years ago when my husband brought up the name.
My husband said it is the breed of the three, young goats he got from a local farmer several years ago, and boy were they cute! They were multi-colored, with some having mostly white and tan colors, and others being black, brown and white. From our experience these are one of the few goats that I think I would ever own. For years we’d been discouraged by others giving us information that goats were really hard to handle because they’re constantly trying to get out of fences, jumping over fences, and climbing on things that we may not want them to climb. After much research, however, we decided to give this small goat breed a try because they were small, gentle with children, good milkers if we ever decided to milk them, and were too small to jump over fences.
![]() The health benefits of herbs are amazing, including the herb thyme. Thyme is an herb that I tried out on one of our children when they had a cold. I wanted to see if it really made much of a difference with relieving his symptoms, and sure enough it did. I made an herbal tea with some thyme I had saved. It was simple. I just took the dried leaves put them in a mug, poured in boiling water, and steeped for about 5 minutes. Of all the remedies, natural of course, that I had tried on him, he said this one was the most effective. When adding it to tea add some raw honey for a sweeter flavor since thyme can sometimes be quite strong. Raw honey of course gives you an even more effective health remedy with its immune boosting, antibacterial, and easing sore throat abilities as well. ![]() Have you ever thought about the fact that for thousands and thousands of years people grew and ate their own food, so they were completely self-sufficient? Have you ever thought about how if those people could see us today, how that many Americans are completely 100% dependent on someone else providing food for them, those same people would probably think that’s bizarre and foolish? I have. Not that it matters what others think, but it probably is a bit foolish. I believe we’ve become so engrained in our minds that buying 100% all of our food from another source is natural and a part of life, but it’s not. It really shouldn’t be that way. Why? There are so many choices in hen houses, which do you choose? Tractor coops are on the rise and here’s why.
Tractor coops are those that are usually built on a smaller scale, have wheels or are at least light weight, so that they can be moved regularly. What are the advantages? Let’s look first at a traditional hen house. ![]() So I made a new commitment about 3 months ago and I’m pleased that I’ve stuck to this. I have committed to not eat any meat that’s not grass-fed. Nope. Not even at restaurants. Why? Are you aware of all that goes on in those factories? Somehow it seems I just never really thought about it or it just wasn’t in front of me, so I was ignorant. Not anymore. Since I am completely aware now, I will not go back. ![]() Looking over the poultry catalog can be quite overwhelming! There are so many different chickens available to order, who knows what type to get? Have you wanted chickens and wondered what breed to get? There are a lot to choose from, but in this article I’ll share with you some ideas about different breeds to hopefully help you narrow down your choices. Some of the decision really depends whether you want laying hens or broiler hens, and your climate. ![]() Ever heard, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”? –Hippocrates. Sounds like the famous Greek physician Hippocrates knew what he was talking about when stating that food needs to be our medicine. I agree, don't you? Well, I’m sure you’ve heard of the very popular Apple Cider Vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar has been used for thousands of years for many ailments. Have you been wondering if it’s really all they seem to make it out to be? You might want to consider them if you haven’t.
Quails are beautiful birds. To catch a photo of these fine birds is quite the challenge though, as they are so fast on their squatty feet! What’s the benefit of these birds and their eggs? ![]() I have good news for you if you’re one of those like me who can’t wait to start digging in the soil, yet its winter and you can’t. This is actually a great time to start garden planning! Yes, that’s right. This is the time to get out those seed catalogs and choose which fruits and vegetables you’ll want once spring arrives. It’s time to order seeds and plan the location for your garden beds. Okay, so I have a confession to make. Yes, another one, again.
I’ve been using my cast iron skillets and Dutch oven for the 25 years that I’ve been married. That’s been great, but recently I was reminded that I really wasn’t supposed to be using soap to wash them. Humph! Since in my last post I mentioned that I enjoy adding the cream of raw milk in my coffee, I thought I’d explain why we now drink raw milk.
For most of my life I’ve never really been a coffee drinker.
As a matter of fact, I’m not sure what the owner of a café & coffee shop thought of me recently after telling her I really had no idea what an espresso shot would be if she did add it to my decaf coffee! Ha ha! Have you ever looked at ingredient labels?
Yikes! Me too! Many years ago I remember when I started reading ingredient labels and wondering why I couldn’t understand what in the world was in my food. What is that? And why is it in a can of green beans? Or in a can of chili? ![]() Did you know that consuming enough sea salt could make you feel better? Sea salt comes from one of two places: the sea or salt lake, or mined from underground salt deposits. The latter is the typical table salt and is more heavily processed eliminating needed minerals and usually contains additives to prevent clumping. Salt from the sea or salt lakes is produced through evaporation and is not processed, therefore leaving beneficial trace minerals. This natural way of getting sea salt, |
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