So I made a new commitment about 3 months ago and I’m pleased that I’ve stuck to this. I have committed to not eat any meat that’s not grass-fed. Nope. Not even at restaurants. Why? Are you aware of all that goes on in those factories? Somehow it seems I just never really thought about it or it just wasn’t in front of me, so I was ignorant. Not anymore. Since I am completely aware now, I will not go back. One main reason is for our health. The unsanitary living conditions that the cows and poultry have during their short life is why they have to give them so many antibiotics. Think about that for a moment. Their living conditions are so bad they would get horrible diseases and not live through their time at these farms, so they have to pump these animals with antibiotics. Second reason: I have no idea why in the world, or how, humans can treat animals in the horrible way they do for selfish reasons. There’s really no reason for putting the animals in these conditions except for one reason and that is to make a large sum of money. Simply put, unadulterated greed. I am not against eating meat, we thoroughly enjoy eating grass-fed beef regularly, but I am against an animal not living in healthy, natural conditions so that others can make millions all the while not caring what the public is putting into their bodies. For thousands of years people grew their own food that was naturally organic and when they bought beef from their local market it was from a cow that enjoyed life in an open pasture, pure sunshine, fresh air, and clean living spaces. This is just the opposite today. Hundreds of cows are confined in incredibly small areas and fed grains that are not a natural part of their diet, so that they’ll gain weight quickly as a benefit to the farmer who will get more money. Grass-fed beef has 2 to 3 times more Omega 3s than that of cows in these factory farms. This healthy beef also tends to have more vitamin E, C, B, magnesium, calcium, and beta-carotene. These places are called, Factory Farms, and I hope I’ve kept your interest long enough that you’ll educate yourself about it, not only through reading this, but researching yourself. The industry calls these farms, “Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations” (CAFO). When you research more, and I hope you do, do you really want to eat factory farmed animals? Unfortunately the majority of the food in your supermarket comes from these horrible, unsanitary places. It’s way past time to find a new place to shop for food. As we push together for real healthy food we can all make a difference, and hopefully make factory farming disappear, literally. Maybe you'll join me, and thousands of others, who have committed to eat only grass-fed, pasture-raised meat. In doing so, you're not only being a voice against the CAFO, but also helping out our local farmers and ranchers! Amen to that!!
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